Hands-On Class Series
Four-Month Best Weigh Fitness & Food Total Makeover Program
Please email Chris here to make an appointment. Please specify in the subject line that you want RawSkilz Hands On. Or call (516) 759-2606 to inquire about available times and dates. Get
started the best way with the Best Weigh raw solution in our raw
teaching kitchen. You'll learn the seven-year-proven Top Four Top Raw
Dishes that our Qui Si Sana Food Plan has provided for our clients with
wellness results not achievable with so-called natural or medical
means. Plus one bonus recipe. Participate hands-on in making
mouth-watering nutritious yet relatively simple recipes that are fun
and super fresh & always tested delicious for everyone.
price for four hours showing the Qui Si Sana Program; includes all
ingredients, shopping and professional-raw-wellness chef demonstration by Chris or his staff (your choice) includes over $100 worth of mouth-watering raw food staples
packed and ready for you to take with you for dinner, lunch and snacks
for at least two days. You may share your class with one friend or
family member (age over 15 please), and also opt to take additional gourmet classes.
The Best Weigh Raw Food & Fitness Makeover Program
Introductory Consultation With Chris 1) Learn more in one hour than in five years with a nutritionist or doctor. Guaranteed. 2) Taste samples of food that you never realized could exist and be this healthy. This is for people who want a tour of The Best Weigh Facility, get their most pressing questions about nutrition and exercise answered once and for all (with documented scientific basis), all personally guided by Chris Califano, PFS ASNDC, certified chef, ten year 100% successful raw foodist ("The Raw Vegan Myth" and "The Protein Myth" ), 25 year 100% vegan, proven, documented body transformation expert and myth crusher of the 21st Century. Crushing the protein myth, the breast cancer myth, the cholesterol myth, and all silly unfounded and scientifically un-proven myths about "wellness" is his "yawn) specialty. One hour with him will not only teach your more than you ever learned about nutrition and fitness but will truly change (correct) how you view food and health forever. For the better. (Consult usually goes over the hour.. ..leave extra time) Special One Hour "Part A" Consult with Chris Califano
.$125 Phone Consultation with Chris Califano 45 minutes ....................................$60
RawSkilz Hands On Part One Discover how to apply the fundamentals of nutrition to transitional raw food. Learn hands-on how to prepare the five most important raw vegan meals. All ripe ingredients included. Thee hour class can be shared with one additional person. Please bring a cooler with ice blocks for raw food meals that you will take with you. Takes place in The Best Weigh Raw Kitchen. Comprehensive course includes recipe binder with variations, weekly menu, eating out tips, and easy-to-grasp mandatory explanation on fundamental nutrition and how it applies seamlessly to your new diet! You will also bn shown the best equipment from the simplest to the most advanced. Do you need a dehydrator? Do you need a high speed blender? Do you need a spiralizer? The answers will amaze you! (Includes $100 worth of prepared raw food to take home)
Three-Hour Private RawSKilz Hands-On Class with Chris Califano
$400 One Additional Person
You Bring The 14 Basic Ingredients (we provide the others) Discount
$50 (Email us for list and 24-hour pre-prep instructions)
Three-Hour Private RawSkilz Hands-On Class with Bonnie Murray
$275 (An original member of the Raw Team, Bonnie has been 100% raw for 7 years)
RawSkilz Hands On Part Two The best kept food secret is also the simplest, Now that you have mastered RawSkilz Part One you can actually save money on food, reduce your daily food prep down 75-95% and reap the full benefits of a perfect raw vegan diet. This is the diet that Chris and his clients are on that allows them to 1) eliminate all cravings 2) perform like a streamlined Ferrari. This is the diet that everyone wishes that they knew about. (You thought that part one was spectacular!) Now that you are 100% raw and transitioning strongly, you and your taste buds are ready for the ultimate raw diet for ultimate health. Eliminate all bad food cravings easily and automatically when you eat the best way raw. Discover how to take advantage of the absolute best food for health and performance, fruit, and how to set your body carburetor up to perfect;lug assimilate the highest octane fuel for the best possible health, fitness and performance. Find out how and why "blood sugar problems" are a myth and experience once and for all what true raw health feels like. Can you handle it? Only the best want the best life. Why not you. About two hours.
Two-Hour Private RawSKilz Two with Chris Califano
................$200 With Bonnie Murray
You Bring The Ingredients Discount
Automatic Raw Best Weigh Food Service Open only to clients on these programs, this fresh raw food service allows you to start eating perfectly raw immediately. You will experience the benefits automatically without any food prep of your own. We strongly suggest that you take this month or two to learn how to make your own raw food so that you can be self sufficient. Includes three times per week fresh raw vegan food prep of our famous raw food staples from Creamy Kale to Mac N Cheez to Special Raw Rice (not wild, but made from vegetables), ultimate green smoothies, Special Thick Creamy Salad Meal Makers, plus our once per week gourmet special and dessert.
Best Weigh Raw Food Service Plan One
first month $595 Best Weigh Raw Food Service Plan One (second month)
..$550 Special Discount without the Ultimate Green Smoothies
Save $250.00 (Reg $725) Consult, Raw Skilz Hands On One and Two with Chris.................... only $475 Save $175.00 (Reg $550) Consult with Chris, Both RAwSKilz Hands On Classes with Bonnie ....only $375 (You may take and additional $50 off if you buy & pre-prep your own ingredients)
RawSkilz Hands On Part Three For those who are willing to exert a little extra learning curve, Chris shares a taste of his extraordinary transitional RawSkilz class: ultimate comfort foods. You will make a five course raw restaurant meal par excellence: All American Burger, Apple Pie and Ice Cream with Mock Chocolate Sauce and Better-Than-Whipped-Cream. (When we say better we do not just mean healthier. We mean thicker, richer and creamier. And that is just the topping. (You will be taking home a complete raw apple pie and six to eight burgers with raw gourmet ketchup, raw-fries (in season) and raw-slaw, all valued at $190. Yours free to treat your friends or family.
2.5 Hour RawSkilz Hands On Part Three Gourmet Class w Chris
$375 With Bonnie Murray...............................................................$275 (No discount given for more complex pre-prep)
Save $75 or $50 on RawSkilz Hands On Gourmet, respectively, when enrolled with above classes.
Three Months Efficient Fitness Tutoring With Chris Califano Discover fundamental fitness principles and how to reap better benefits raw. Your endurance will double at least without exercise, but you will need proper instruction on the more important and critical weight bearing exercises; these are the ones that increase your metabolism. It is not running or swimming. In fact, swimming, due to water pressure on our thorax plus temperature, is one of the least efficient weight loss exercises and it actually thickens your subcutaneous fat layer. For those of you who wish to gain functional weight, Chris has been specializing in the personal training for the healthy acquisition of lean muscle mass since 1978. Your first month includes complete fitness evaluation based on the ACSM, plus one or two sessions at our special outdoor facility to teach the most efficient cardiovascular technique. Ten Sessions Twice Weekly or Six Week Conditioning Course at TBW with Chris
$900 (Most people are unaware that you have to first be in great condition in order to be able to train hard enough to develop muscle in the first place. That is why a proper raw diet helps!) 24 twice-weekly one-on-one sessions at TBW Training Facility with Chris ....... $1800 48 (Six Months Advanced Training with Chris at The Best Weigh)
$3600 (Make the commitment. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your progress you may opt out and get a refund)
Four MonthTotal Fitness Makeover
$2700 Four MonthTotal Food and Fitness Makeover
$5725 Save when you enroll in the four month total food & fitness makeover..$4500 (Includes Initial Consult, Hands One & Two, four months of food (you make your own smoothies), plus four months of training, including conditioning, all with Chris as your food and fitness coach.) Price with ultimate green smoothies
Note: The Best Weigh Efficient Training Facility is like no other gym. We have at least seven major fitness breakthroughs that few gyms can match no matter how "big". Among them are The Tru Squat, The Safe Squat Project "x", two different trapezoid bars, 5000 lb. safety racks, cambered squat bar, reverse back extension, naturally articulating abdominal station, progressive resistance knee fix, and mirco-loads for maximum safety and progress. All of our free weight apparatus and machines are designed for maximum protection of the lower back and knee structures and not only save them from additional damage as you train, but rehabilitate you as you exercise. They are also biomechanically correct not just "making the exercise easier". Keep in mind that in order to get into good physical shape there are certain demands that must be placed upon the body. You must minimize these forces at the same time you are trained on how to develop skill to exercise progressively. Maintaining a safe, progressive and regular routine is the only way to obtain a training effect, especially if you are training harder in order to develop muscle. Staying safe while you progress in the most important basic core exercises is any good trainer's main job. Consuming a proper raw diet (past the initial stages of detoxification, and after you have obtained the mandatory amount of pre-conditioning), you will experience faster recuperation, greater endurance and strength than other athletes, so you must be careful not to stray from your safe, controlled, albeit progressive weight training program.
Taught and demonstrated by Chris Califano, certified PFS, ASNDC, founder THE BEST WEIGH CENTER for Ultimate Health. Ten -year 100% raw. 100% vegan since 1985. He does not preach that you must eat totally raw, but that in order to experience genuine health, one must "go raw" for at least a week once in their life (properly...and not like most newbie raw foodists, which he once struggled with!) in order to know what it feels like to be
"Most people are health conscious but not healthy. They still take three times longer to heal and to recuperate from exercise. They still get flu symptoms every few years (Healthy people NEVER have any discomfort, and if so it is subtle and lasts hours not days). They take supplements, even eat organic foods, and never experience true health".They need more than just the typical naturopath selling them a bag of supplements. If the person selling the pills or powders REALLY knew what healthy was, then they would not be doing what they are doing! It is like night and day to BE healthy as compared to health-conscious. "But alas, it is like trying to explain a sunset to a blind person. You have to give them sight!""This is the 'sight' I wish I had been shown decades ago..."If you are ready, I will show you how to achieve the greatest feeling on earth".---ChrisCheck out some testimonials here